snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Nov 22, 2010 16:58
season: 1, lol: ted, location: the bar, year: 2005, lol: drunkness, character: ted mosby, episode: 1x10 the pineapple incident, type: screencap
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Nov 09, 2010 18:10
barney: master of awesomeness, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, year: 2008, lol: barney, season: 4, episode: 4x07 not a father's day, barney: thumbs up, type: screencap
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Nov 08, 2010 14:52
character: barney stinson, year: 2008, type: gif, character: ted mosby, episode: 3x20 miracles, episode: 4x04 intervention, lol: marshall, location: the apartment, barney: master of awesomeness, location: the bar, lol: barney, relationship: barney/marshall/ted, character: marshall eriksen, season: 3, season: 4, type: screencap
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Sep 26, 2010 18:36
relationship: marshall/ted, lol: ted, location: the bar, episode: 5x15 rabbit or duck, season: 5, character: marshall eriksen, year: 2010, character: ted mosby, lol: nicknames, type: picspam, lol: marshall, lol: teddy west side
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Aug 15, 2010 12:45
character: lily aldrin, episode: 4x15 the stinsons, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, year: 2009, lol: barney, type: picspam, season: 4
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Aug 14, 2010 11:55
location: giddyups, lol: ted, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, year: 2008, episode: 4x08 woooo!, type: gif, episode: 4x03 i heart nj, lol: barney, character: ted mosby, season: 4
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Aug 13, 2010 19:23
lol: barney, episode: 4x03 i heart nj, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, type: picspam, year: 2008, season: 4
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Jul 16, 2010 16:35
character: lily aldrin, relationship: everyone, episode: 4x15 the stinsons, barney: master of awesomeness, character: barney stinson, location: the bar, year: 2009, character: marshall eriksen, lol: barney, character: ted mosby, type: picspam, season: 4, character: robin scherbatsky
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Jul 12, 2010 15:32
season: 1, character: sandy rivers, lol: ted, relationship: robin/sandy rivers, guest star: alexis denisof, episode: 1x19 mary the paralegal, location: the bar, lol: sandy rivers, character: ted mosby, type: picspam, year: 2006, character: robin scherbatsky
snickerdoodles wrote in dailyhowimet Jul 07, 2010 15:15
episode: 2x20 showdown, character: barney stinson, year: 2008, !mod post, episode: 3x15 the chain of screaming, marshall: lawyer, character: ted mosby, barney: not the master of awesomeness, type: picspam, lol: marshall, location: the apartment, relationship: barney/ted, season: 1, barney: master of awesomeness, ted: singing, location: the bar, song: lily's night night song, character: marshall eriksen, lol: barney, episode: 1x02 purple giraffe, marshall: singing, season: 4, episode: 5x11 last cigarette ever, year: 2005, year: 2009, relationship: marshall/lily, lol: lily, year: 2007, relationship: barney/robin, character: lily aldrin, season: 2, lol: ted, lol: robin, episode: 4x08 woooo!, season: 5, season: 3, character: robin scherbatsky, lol: sven